Programme PFF 2018


11.04 (Wednesday), 13.00

Faculty of Philosophy, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” – Skopje

Intro: Philosophy for Children and the experience of introducing it in Denmark with David M. Larsson, philosophy for children practitioner from Denmark

Educational Programme

A more theoretical introductory lecture in P4C, its significance in the world and sharing the experience of introducing the practice of philosophy with children in Denmark with the Special guest in the Educaitonal programme of PFF.

The lecture and coming to Macedonia of David M. Larsson is realised with the support of the Philosophical Faculty in Skopje

For the full programme of the segment „Fil(m)osophy for children“ of the Educational programme of PFF, see here:

12.04 (Thursday), 19.00

Cinematheque of Macedonia
dir. Philippe Noyce (AU), 93’

Special Screenings: Film meets Philosophy
Topic: The World – Quarantine for the Lepers (in Macedonian)
– academic Ferid Muhić
Official Opening of the 8. Philosophical Film Festival

West Australia, 1931. At the time, mixed race children were taken away from their Aboriginal mothers and brought in to be reeducated by orders of the Protector of the Aborigines, A.O. Neville (called Mr. Devil by them). Molly, Daisy and Gracie, two sisters and their cousin, aged 14, 8 and 10, decide to leave the camp, crossing over a thousand miles to return to their mother. Rabbit-Proof Fence is a film about an attempt of one culture to assimilate another culture and the inalienable right to life, culture and language, told through a story from the real life of the Australian “Stolen generations”. The film is based on the book “Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence” by Doris Pilkington Garimara, the daughter of Molly. Along with numerous awards by critics and audiences, Rabbit-Proof Fence has won the Australian AACTA Award for Best Film in 2002.

13.04 (Friday), 13.00
Faculty of Philosophy, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” – Skopje
Additional Programme

The Voice and its Resonances – lecture by Hannah Paveck, Research student at Kings college London

The lecture will engage the philosophy of Jean-Luc Nancy and Adriana Cavarero to trace their re-thinking of the voice beyond phonocentrism.


13.04 (Friday), 18.30
Cinematheque of Macedonia
VERTIGO, 1958, dir. Alfred Hitchcock (US), 128’

Special Screenings: Film meets Philosophy
Topic: Vertigo: The Thinking and Living Image 
Gian Maria Tore, senior lecturer at University of Luxembourg

John “Scottie” Fergusson (James Stewart) is forced to retire after his acrophobia causes the death of a fellow police officer and the woman he was hired to follow. Hitchcock’s VERTIGO, a romantic mystery about obsession, manipulation and fear, is the most acclaimed masterpiece of the “Master of Suspense”. It has been voted the Greatest Film of All Time – after fifty years, overtaking Orson Welles’ “Citizen Kane” in the famous poll organized by the “Sight and Sound” magazine, published by the British Film Institute.

Scottie falls in love with a woman who does not exist, while the real woman has fallen in love with him, and in tricking him, she tricked herself. By preferring his dream over the woman in front of him, he stands to lose both. What happens when the vertigo of the protagonist becomes the vertigo of the viewer?

With the support of the Faculty of Philosophy, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” – Skopje


13.04 (Friday), 21.30
Cinematheque of Macedonia
THE CITIZEN (Az állampolgár, 2016) dir. Roland Vranik (HU), 110′

Official Selection of Feature Films

Wilson is an African living in Budapest. He has arrived as a political refugee and wants to become a Hungarian citizen, but keeps failing the exams required for the application. The Citizen raises questions about the status of an individual – both as a citizen of a country (home or abroad) or as a citizen of the world. 𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒅𝒐𝒆𝒔 𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒛𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒐𝒅𝒂𝒚’𝒔 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅?
This is the subtly raised question in this movie, at a time when, on one hand, equality, liberty and citizenship are becoming universal, but on the other, there are multiple obstacles on the road to be(come) a citizen.

THE CITIZEN by Hungarian director Roland Vranik has won the Best Screenplay Award of the Fantasporto Film Festival in Porto, Portugal.

In presence of the director of the film


14.04 (Saturday), 18.30

Cinematheque of Macedonia
THE INTRUDER (L’intrus, 2004), dir. Claire Denis (FR), 130’

Special Screenings: Film meets Philosophy
Topic: Intrusions: Claire Denis and Jean-Luc Nancy
Hannah Paveck, PhD (King’s College London)

„My films are not highly intellectual” – says Claire Denis, “and THE INTRUDER is like a boat lost in the ocean drifting…”
This film nominated for a Golden Lion at the 61st Venice Film Festival, is based on the autobiographical essay with the same name by contemporary French philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy. Louis Trebor (Michel Subor), a man approaching seventy years of age, lives alone with his dogs near the French-Swiss border. He has a heart problem and needs an urgent transplant. Nancy, who himself has undergone a heart transplantation, poses the question: “Where does life reside? And what happens when your heart turns into a stranger, an intruder in your body, and you – a stranger, an intruder in the world?” Inspired by each other, the philosopher and the director ‘intrude’ upon each other’s works, while Denis with the background guitar and trumpet from Stuart Staples (Tindersticks) turns THE INTRUDER into an elliptical (audio) visual poem in which the picture and the sound have equal meaning and place.
With the support of the Faculty of Philosophy, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” and the French Institute in Skopje


April, 14 (Saturday), 21:30

Cinematheque of Macedonia

SCHOPENHAUER SCHIZOPHRENIA (Шопенгауэрская шизофрения, 2017)

dir. Aristarkh Neskupov (UA), 67′

Official Selection of Feature Films

SCHOPENHAUER SCHIZOPHRENIA is an independent low budget film which, utilizing a discrete meta-textual method introduces the viewer to a world of hopelessness, pain, emptiness and melancholy, showing the existential agony of the protagonist. In a state of latent metaphysical suspense, the cry from despair becomes more important than the subtlest thought. The lead in this first film by Ukrainian director Aristarh Neskupov opens up the curtains of loneliness, nausea and depression, referring to the philosophy of absurd and… Schopenhauer.


14.04 (Saturday), 22.45
Cafe bar Martini i Leptokarija
(behind the Cinematheque of Macedonia)
Additional Programme

After the evening’s program of films, we invite you on a non-formal encounter in Martini with the passionate rhythmic expressions of SHAMBA JAZZ TRIO and the exciting and extremely sensible solo variations of Bojan Petkov (guitar), Oliver Josifovsski (contrabass), and Slavcho Kocev (drums).


15.04 (Sunday) 16.00 – 17.30
Cinematheque of Macedonia, free projection for children and parents

Projection of a film for children and parents (+10)
Educational Programme

BORDERLESS by Iranian film director Amirhossein Asgari is a story in which the protagonists are two children meeting on a no man’s land, between two nameless countries waging a war with each other. They learn to live and help each other amidst the chaos of war, making a little shelter on the rusty ship they turn into their home…


15.04 (Sunday) 18.30
Cinematheque of Macedonia
Official Selection of Short Films
Day 1 (142 min.)

Special Screening:

15 April (Sunday), 18:30
Cinematheque of Macedonia
THE END OF TIME (Крајот на времето, 2017), dir. Milcho Manchevski (US/CU), 5’

THE END OF TIME is an impressive minimalist phenomenology of time, consciousness and selfhood. Subtle art stratification of the awareness of the duration of a multitude of timelines within a film frame and the distillation of a pure emotion. A sunny Cuban afternoon on a street in San Antonio de los Baños, the fictitious mise-en-scène gradually breaks down, fragmenting into a crystalline pictorial structure with a disrhythmic duration of the whole, a micro-image archipelago with unequal deceleration of the parts. The quest for a fixed point hypnotizes and displaces the normal conditions of the perception of time. THE END OF TIME, a winner of the prestigious Ellen Award at one of the most renowned short film festivals in Aspen, as well as the award at the Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival in Czech Republic, is incredibly attractive cinematic and artistic playfulness, an experimental transcendental journey to something we are very familiar with, but in the same time remains very difficult to grasp, to those rare and timeless moments when we feel truly ourselves, truly 𝑎𝑡 ℎ𝑜𝑚𝑒.

Selection of Short Films from Spain, Greece, Estonia, Norway, Italy, Finland, Ukraine/Iran, Belgium, Turkey, Kygyzstan and Nepal/France.

More information in here:


15 April (Sunday), 21:30
Cinematheque of Macedonia
(Jóvenes infelices o un hombre que grita no es un oso que baila, 2016)
dir. Thiago B. Mendonça (BR), 127′

Official Selection of Feature Films

YOUNG AND MISERABLE OR A MAN SCREAMING IS NOT A DANCING BEAR is a bold name for a film which represents a kind of a manifest for a group of artists continuously pushing the boundaries of art and life in the Brazilian society. Combining theater, music and public performances, they attempt to create a revolutionary consciousness, playing with the dialectics of aesthetics and politics. As the horizon narrows in a society becoming increasingly authoritarian, they feel compelled to find the ultimate aesthetic act, and to include new concepts of sexuality as a sort of resistance and a new kind of political insubordination. Inspired by the essays of Pasolini and the revolutionary poetry of Césaire, these young people are subversive artists representing the urban guerrilla who consider the street the only possible place to do politics.


16.04 (Monday) 18.30
Cinematheque of Macedonia
Official Selection of Short Films
Day 2 (134 min.)

Selection of Short Films from Russia/Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Germany, Belgium, Poland, Greece, Portugal, Macedonia, Turkey, France and Slovenia.

More information here:


16.04 (Monday), 21.30

Cinematheque of Macedonia
BESIDE ME (Coborâm la prima, 2017)
dir. Tedy Necula (RO), 84′

Official Selection of Feature Films

The Bucharest subway is blocked in the morning hours the day after a horrible fire accident in one of the night clubs of the capital, with a large number of young people killed and injured. This inspirational film by the young Romanian director Tedy Necula, which can also be seen as a sort of social experiment, is an allegorical story about the world itself and the relations governing it. Commuting people start talking to each other. What happens when time, by magic or accident, stops for a moment… or half an hour? When the other becomes me, and I become the other, when the time “lost” can become time “gained” (friend, experience, conversation). At the end of the road, after the journey, someone gets changed.

17.04 (Tuesday), 11.00
Faculty of Dramatic Arts – Skopje
Additional Programme

How Film does Philosophy: the Film-Image in the Work of Gilles Deleuze – Niall Kennedy, PhD from Great Britain

Introductory theoretical lecture on the theory of film by the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze through Cinema I and Cinema II of the first philosopher who has been contemplating on film.


17.04 (Tuesday), 18.30 PFF Doc.
Cinematheque of Macedonia
BROTHERS (Brødre, 2015), dir. Aslaug Holm (NO), 110’
Special Screenings: Film meets Philosophy
Topic: Philosophy of Childhood, or Towards the Ontological Language of Children’s Play (in Macedonian)
Bosko Karadzov, PhD

Two brothers, Markus and Lukas, live in an old, yellow city house in the center of Oslo. Closeby is Smola, the place where their mother grew up. Markus loves football and wants to become a professional, while Lukas is more philosophically inclined and has many questions about the world, for example “Mom, what will happen to my dreams when I am dead, will they continue to live?”
This intimate documentary (often compared to ‘Boyhood’ by Linklater from 2014) follows Markus and Lukas during a decade as they grow – through their hopes and dreams, expectations and disappointments. With the subtle cinematography of Holms, both their mother and director of the film, BROTHERS is a film about the authentic life of children and about time (the time of a child and the time of the grown ups).

The film is the winner of the Norwegian Amanda Award for Best Director, and the Best International Feature Documentary Award on Hot Docs in Toronto, Canada.


17.04 (Tuesday), 21.30
Cinematheque of Macedonia
ECHO (Eho, 2016), dir. Dren Zherka (DE/KV), 93’
Official Selection of Feature Films
Hana (65) and Ismet (71) come from two completely different worlds, they don’t know each other, yet there is something unbreakable connecting them, bridging the gap of time and space of their two worlds. The film debut of Dren Zherka, winner of the Silver Zenith Award for The Best First Fiction Feature Film in Montreal, is a subtle, lyrical and visually impressive portrait of two lonely aging people, managing through sensory and tonal associations (as opposed to pure narrative) to remind us of the importance of family relations and caring for one another in a world of social chaos and hyper-fast, pragmatic way of life. What does it mean to be present, here and now, and what does caring about each other really mean? No letter or compassion by others should arrive in a half-ruined, silent house.
In the presence of the director of the film



18.04 (Wednesday), 18.30
Cinematheque of Macedonia
BORDERLESS (Bedone Marz, 2014), dir. Amirhossein Asgari (IR), 100’
Special Screenings: Film meets Philosophy
Q&A with Amirhossein Asgari

BORDERLESS is a story of a boy fishing and making necklaces from shells, on a protected rusty ship, between two borders, on a no-man’s land… He has turned the ship into a place of peace and solitude, a tiny protected world of his own in the middle of war. His isolation and peace are disturbed when a stranger shows up.
The film, featuring unusually little dialogue, wonderful cinematography (by Ashkan Ashkani) and almost no music at all, is an extraordinary contemplative study on the consequences of war and what it means to be human and humane. The film visually tells a universal story through the specifics of film language and through the eyes of the two children protagonists of the film.
The film has won the Asian Future Best Film award at the 27. Tokyo Fim Festival.

With the support of the Iranian Embassy in Skopje


Аpril 18 (Wednesday), 21:30
Cinematheque of Macedonia
A LONG DAY (Yek rouz-e tolani, 2016)
dir. Babak Bahrambeygi (IR), 88′

Official Selection of Feature Films

After returning to his country after a number of years, Shaheen visits his home town and unexpectedly becomes involved in one of his brother’s business adventures. He tries to go on his way to solving the problems but he finds new trials ahead of himself complicating things even further. The film places us in front of the moral dilemma of the main protagonist: in the complex human world sometimes it is hard to make a decision when the concepts of good and evil, moral and immoral aren’t clearly defined, and hypocrisy and relativisation blur the compass of the common values of both, the individual and the society. What decision will Shaheen take before he leaves the country?


19.04 (Thursday), 19.00
Cinematheque of Macedonia
DEATH IN VENICE (Morte a Venezia, 1971)
dir. Luchino Visconti (IT/FR), 130’
Special Screenings: Film meets Philosophy
Topic: ‘Death in Venice’ – from Mann to Visconti
– Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Prokopiev
Official Closing of the Festival and Awards Ceremony

Gustav von Aschenbach (character loosely based on Gustav Mahler, played by Dirk Bogarde) is an avantgarde German composer traveling to Lido, Venice, looking for some peace and rest on his doctor’s suggestion. But instead of peace, Aschenbach, who is on the edge of his vitality and energy, is haunted and pained by the face of a young boy in its adolescence (Tadzio), in his eyes beauty incarnate, much like Michelangelo’s David, or Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. What is the nature of beauty in music, in art or in life? And could we resist the passions? Opposing Eros, Thanatos is threatening Venice, and all ideals could soon disappear.
Visconti’s film adaptation of Thomas Man’s book, intertwined with the etheric adagio of Mahler’s Simphony No. 5, is the winner of the “25th ANNIVERSARY PRIZE” at the 1971 Cannes Film Festival.

With the support of the Italian Embassy in Skopje

Price of tickets*:
100 den. ticket (RED) – Special Screenings: Film meets Philosophy
50 den. (BLUE) – Official Selections (features and shorts), as well as price of a ticket for any projection of the festival programme for students and retired people
Evening ticket 120 den. (GREEN) – Projection of a film from the Special Screenings and the film from the competitive program of the same evening (18.30 & 21.30)
Evening ticket 70 den. (YELLOW) – Projection of a film from the Special Screenings and the film from the competitive program of the same evening for students and retired people (18.30 & 21.30)

* The tickets can be found on the caisse in the Cinematheque of Macedonia before every projection (no reservations), and the events in the Educational programme, Additional programme and the PFF Caravan are for free.