PFF@MCA – Generación: Buñuel, Lorca, Dalí (14/5, 12.00)

PFF@MCA – Generación: Buñuel, Lorca, Dalí (14/5, 12.00)

PFF@MCA within the Programme of the 12th Philosophical Film Festival 14 May (Saturday), 12.00 Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje Generación: Buñuel, Lorca, Dalí (2018) dir. Javier Espada & Albert Montón (ES/MX), 75’ introduction by prof. Dr. Ivan Dzeparoski free screening, limited capacity In collaboration with the Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje and the Embassy of Spain in Skopje   Luis Buñuel, Salvador Dali, and Federico Garcia Lorca — young and bright, intelligent and cheerful. They…

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