High School Programme

Collaborator for High School Programme: Prof. Dr. Ana Dimishkovska

Projection of the 2018 high school video book „The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance“ (1964) by John Ford on 15 February 2018 in Cinema Frosina, Youth Cultural Center – Skopje

and a Competition for Best High School Filmosophical Essay* on a topic:



Participants from 18 high schools from all corners of Macedonia22 high school teachers, 400 students participating and more than 40 essays received on the proposed topic inspired by the film.

The Comission to judge the essays: Asoc. Prof. Dejan Donev, Asst. Prof. Jasmina Popovska and Viktor Ilievski, PhD

The Awards ceremony for the Educational Programme is scheduled for 14 April 2018 (14.30) in the Cinematheque of Macedonia with a selected programme of short films for the students, and a premiere projection of the film etudes created during the festival’s Youth Workshop “Film & Philosophy”.

* The three awarded students will receive a one-year scholarship from the University of Audiovisual Arts EFTA, financial awards, philosophical literature and magazines from the publishing house “Az-Buki” and the Philosophical Society of Macedonia, as well as DVDs with Macedonian films from the Cinematheque of Macedonia. The winning essay will be published in the national philosophical journal Philosophical Debate.

With the support of the Macedonian -American Alumni Organization

Educational tour in the Cinematheque of Macedonia and the Film Archive for the high school students visiting Skopje: