30 March – 7 April 2017


  • 1800 visitors (1300 MP + 300 EP + 200 PFF Caravan) on 10 locations in Macedonia*

  • 20 events MPSkopje + 5 events PFF Caravan: Shtip, Sveti Nikole, Prilep, Bitola

  • 36 feature and short films [14 feature and 22 short films from 22 countries in the world] – 47 projections through Macedonia

  • 10 home and international guests, 10 presentations and 12 discussions with the public + masterclass with the co-director of a film nominated for the Oscars – Christine Cynn from Norway

  • 4 awardsGolden Owland certificates for the winning films of PFF 2017: Zsofika, dir. Maxime-Claude L’Écuyer from Canada (Best Short Film by the Jury), Limbo”, dir. by Konstantina Kotzamani from Greece (Special Jury Recognition), Spring Flood, dir. Jeannice Adriaansens from Belgium (Best Short Film by the Audience), “All About People, dir. Giorgi Abashishvili from Georgia (Best Feature Film by the Jury and the Audience).
  • 11 high schools from Macedonia participating in the Educational Program, 72 received essays on the Competition for Best High School Filmosophical Essay, 3 students awarded [scholarships for film academy, financial awards, philosophical literature, philosophy and film journals, DVDs with Macedonian films] + 7 day Workshop for Auteur Film with a short film produced (7 min.) promoted on the Festival reach: 300 young people from 6 (six) cities in Macedonia
  • Published issue “Philosophy and Film” of the Macedonian philosophical journal Philosophical Debate (253 pages, 200 copies), first publication in the area of film-philosophy in Macedonia promoted in front of 50 people in Skopje
  • Extending the national collaboration and continuing the international promotion of the festivalattending the International ConferenceMoving Image and Philosophyin Porto, Portugal, June 2017
  • 11 videos of the lectures & debates in the Main Program for dissemination of the project, accessible on the YouTube channel of the festival: Philosophical Film Festival.



*Cinematheque of Macedonia; Cinema Frosina/MKC; University of Audiovisual Arts (EFTA); NGO Center Skopje; GEM Club; Film academy, UGD Shtip; MSUG.R. Derzavin“ – Sveti Nikole; City LibraryBorka Taleski“ – Prilep; Centre of CultureBitola, State Music School – Bitola.